A farse? Yes, sir, we have generals, presidents, spanish señoritas, spies, handsome young lieutenants, guns, trafficking, submarines and video conferences. You think this could be an operetta? Indeed, it could. But it’s a farse. Melancholic.
Jorge Silva Melo
The Text is published in the Livrinhos de Teatro nr. 110 collection (Artistas Unidos/Cotovia).
Cast & Creative
Text and Directed Ricardo Neves-Neves
Cast Américo Silva, Andreia Bento, José Leite, Ricardo Neves-Neves and Vânia Rodrigues
Scenography and Costume Design Rita Lopes Alves
Light design Pedro Domingos
Sound Space Rui Rebelo
Photography Jorge Gonçalves
Video Eduardo Breda
Diretor Assistance José Leite
Co-Production Artistas Unidos and Teatro do Eléctrico
M14/60 MIN
Lisboa Teatro da Politécnica (2015)