A Real Estate Comedy for two actors.
Two real estates searching for a house.
In fact, a real estate is searching for a house. The other one is there only to open the door.
The buyer and the man from the agency throw themselves from the top of a waterfall and go away on a search for a house or a cave where the real estate can live.
In an anti-epic record they go through the ‘polis with their eyes turned in a 360º angle.
The Text is published in the Livrinhos de Teatro nr. 80 collection (Artistas Unidos / Cotovia / Teatro do Eléctrico).
Cast & Creative
Text and Directed by Ricardo Neves-Neves
Cast Ricardo Neves-Neves e Vítor Oliveira
Light design and Scenography Joana Mendão
Poster and Graphic Design Pedro Frois Meneses
Photography Raquel Albino
Sonoplasty assistant Sérgio Delgado
Production Ricardo Neves-Neves e Rita Cruz
M12/60 MIN
Odivelas Centro Cultural da Malaposta (2011)
Amadora Recreios da Amadora (2011)
Lisboa Teatro da Comuna (2011)
Leiria Sala Jaime Salazar Sampaio (2011)
Lisboa Ribeira (2010)