O Regresso de Natasha is Teatro do Eléctrico’s debut, in 2008, with an absurd comedy written and directed by Ricardo Neves-Neves and played by Ana Lázaro, Rita Cruz, Rogério Jacques and Vítor Oliveira.
It rounded up a collection of 60 showings in various parts of the country.
And so like this we keep running, in a short breath, towards Natasha’s unavoidable return.
The play is published in the Livrinhos de Teatro nr. 80 collection (Artistas Unidos / Cotovia / Teatro do Eléctrico).
Cast & Creative
Text and Directed Ricardo Neves-Neves
Cast Ana Lázaro, Rita Cruz, Rogério Jacques, Vítor Oliveira
Sound design Sérgio Delgado
Movement César Ribeiro
Production Assistant Bruno Huca
Technical direction and Light design Hugo Franco
Hair and Makeup Art Pessoa Júnior
Illustration and graphics Pedro Frois Meneses
Production Director Ricardo Neves-Neves
M12/60 MIN
Queluz Sala BQ (2013)
Lisboa Teatro-Estúdio Mário Viegas (2011/2012)
Covilhã Teatro das Beiras - Festival de Teatro (2011)
Setúbal XIII Festa do Teatro (2011)
Lisboa Auditório Carlos Paredes - Festival Palcos de Benfica (2011)
Queluz Espaço Teatroesfera (2011)
Amadora Recreios da Amadora (2010)
Lisboa Cine-teatro A Barraca (2010)
Almada Espaço Ginjal (2008)